
Rear Loader Body



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The Rotopress offers you a wide range of Operational, Economic and Environmental Benefits. This ‘revolutionary’ design of Refuse Collection Body meets many of the challenges that our UK clients experience “head on”. The rudimentary, yet strong and durable construction, offers you maximised payload capacities when compared to a packer plate Refuse Collection Vehicle.

Perfectly designed for the UK Market. One key design feature of the Rotopress is the reduced number of moving parts, which is 75% less than a packer plate type Refuse Collection Vehicle. Waste is loaded directly into the turning drum, resulting in a much shorter rear overhang and subsequently lighter tailgate. The outcome of these features give our clients increased payloads. With the ever increasing pressures on UK operators to reduce the amount of Carbon Emissions, the Rotopress gives you a genuine solution to look at reducing your fleet size, due to its greater payload performance, product longevity and total cost of ownership.

The advantages of the reduction in the overhang cannot be underestimated. This makes the vehicle much more manoeuvrable, which makes it a superior fleet proposition.

For clients who require both the payload of a higher volume vehicle, but also want the flexibility of having a shorter, and consequently more manoeuvrable Refuse Collection Solution, the Rotopress offers all of this.

Our clients often require their vehicles to collect several different waste types, including General Domestic, Garden, Food and a range of other recyclables including Paper, Card, Glass, Metals and Plastics. Flexibility is key. The Rotopress Refuse Collection Vehicle has the ability to compact all these waste types to utilise the full volume of the body, while ensuring the best possible payload.

Additional advantages offered by the rotating drum design include lower maintenance costs, reducing the total cost of ownership, and a perfectly tight seal while operating meaning vastly improved dust and odours from the vehicle.

The Mini Rotopress offers the same benefits but in a smaller package. This can now be mounted on chassis from 12000kg (Gross Vehicle Weight). The challenge of collecting waste in harder to reach areas is met by the Mini Rotopress. The shorter overhang offered by the Rotopress is even more evident and valuable to your operation.

The Rotopress XL offers a solution up to 41m3. A common use for this Trailer mounted solution is to function as a mobile Waste Transfer Station, whereby a conveyor can feed Recyclable material directly into the body. Compaction is taken care of by an auxiliary power source, and once full can be collected and transported to a waste disposal site.

With the addition of the New Mini Rotopress, the Rotopress product range from FAUN Zoeller is now available from 8m3 – 41m3, which means that regardless of operational or geographical challenges, you will always have a solution.

The Rotopress can be configured with our range of Zoeller High Level Bin Lifts or prepared for 3rd party hoists if preferred. The XL model meanwhile includes a high level automated tailgate to start the compaction of the waste material.

From initial enquiry, we will liaise with you to customise the Rotopress for your operation and waste disposal requirements. With our extensive and diverse product range and consultative approach, FAUN Zoeller can always provide a Refuse Collection Vehicle that is an appropriate and economic solution with an emphasis on product longevity and low total cost of ownership.