202.80 Lifter

Low Level Lifter



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202.80 Lifter is lightweight and versatile

The 202.80 Low Level Bin Lifting System offers you everything required for the demands of the UK waste collection market. Its lightweight and minimalist design maintains a strong and durable construction. The intuitive controls and ergonomic design makes is safe and easy to use regardless of the container type loaded onto the lift.

The 202.80 can be fitted on vehicles with a Gross Vehicle Weight of between 7500 – 32000kg. It is particularly popular and effective on smaller Refuse Collection Vehicles due to its low overall weight and short overhang. These features help maximise the payload on these smaller vehicles. Regardless of the operational or geographical challenges, you will always have a solution.

The product can be configured with a Semi Automatic function. With this containers can be presented to the bin lifter, which will raise to a height whereby the container is secure. The operator can then use the manual controls to complete the operation in a safe and efficient manner.  

The full width, integrated design offers the operator a bigger aperture to load any bulky items, whilst contributing to a much shorter overall vehicle length, offering increased manoeuvrability. These features not only benefit the operation of the equipment, but also the ease of maintenance and reduction in the total cost of ownership.

The 202.80 is ideal for the UK market demands. The product has evolved in our product range for decades, and is still a popular solution for clients today.

The lifting system is suitable for collecting all wheeled containers from 80 – 1100 litres in capacity. 

The 202.80 is compatible with many of our Refuse Collection Bodies, including the Micropress, Variopress, Evopress, Powerpress, Selectapress and Combipress.

From initial enquiry, we will liaise with you to choose the best bin lifting system for your operation and waste disposal requirements. With our extensive and diverse product range and consultative approach, FAUN Zoeller can always provide a Refuse Collection Vehicle that is an appropriate and economic solution with an emphasis on product longevity and low total cost of ownership.